0Tuesday. 31st [May 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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31 May 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 31st [May 1904]. I went out after tea in the afternoon & pay some visits but only found Miss Hastings (US) at home. Then went to the Eden’s garden. Found that Mr Harston had been to Mr Eden to talk over the matter of his remaining or not & Mr Eden is rather put out at the attitude Mr Harston is taking & has asked him to wrote down his wishes. He wants every 1d of the Church money to pass through his hands even what is for the repairs of the building. Lady Lindsay came to dine with me & in the evening I had the usual reception. The Cassis, Dss della Grazia, Css Wallis, Princess Tiny Salm, & some of the Mocenigos, Ct Marcello, Mr Casati &c &c. There was much annunciation & they stayed till nearly 12.

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