0Tuesday. 26th July [1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 July 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 26th July [1904]. Mr Harston called in the morning & I bid him good bye as he is also going off on his holiday. Mr Guggenheim came to see me & I consulted him as to corrections of Murray’s handbook wh I have been asked to correct of Venice. Mr Kennedy & I went to lunch with the Curtis. Met there only their nephew Mr Latimer an artist. Afterwards went to the Piazza & to the antiquity shop Della Torre for Mr Kennedy to look for things. After tea went with Mr K. for a row & after dinner Genl de Horsey & Iduna Belmondo came in. No one else came there being a great party at Css Morosini’s as it was St Anne her name’s day.

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