0Monday. 15th [August 1904]—Maraga
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 August 1904 — Maraga
Monday. 15th [August 1904]. The Marquis Cassis & I set off for our usual morng walk at 8.30 on account of the heat intending to be back early, but we went to Bolsano, a village in the hills an hour’s walk away, then on to the valley of the                to the Ponte di                where there is a small waterfall coming into a deep abyss—& is very picturesque. We had to return the same route & did not get back to Maraga where the Marchesa was on the look out for us past 12 oclock—rather tired & glad of our breakfast. In the afternoon we drove to a village near the Madonna del Pré intending to walk up the Via sacra to the little chapel– But as soon as we got there a storm threatened & it began to rain. The Edens & Colettis met us by appointment for the expedition but we had to give up the climb & drive home. We stopped at the café at Belluno & partook of ices before we returned to Maraga.

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