0Sunday. 28th [August 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 August 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 28th [August 1904]. I went to morning service which was done by the Bishop of Ely. He read beautifully & preached well but indistinctly & hobbled about with the aid of a stick. Evidently he walks with difficulty. After church I looked in upon the Genl to ask him to take me out this evening. The Bishop & Lady Alwyne Compton with their friends Mrs & Miss Soulsby came to tea & also the Curtis. The latter took me for a charming row afterwards by S. Clemente. Prof: Malagola came to see me– I had called on his wife yesterday to announce my return. After dinner the Genl fetched me & took me out for a delightful “float”– There was a splendid moon rise—but it was not too hot for a warm cloak.

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