0Friday. 9th [September 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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9 September 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 9th [September 1904]. Mr & Mrs Bayard & an American singer Miss [illegible word] of the Paris Opera Comique & a Polish friend came at 11 to see the pictures—& I showed them round. Marchesa Olga Guiccioli came at 12 having come in to town for the day from Vicenza– Her husband is no longer Prefect of Turin but has been named Minister in Servia where he now is. She is buying furniture for their house there & after lunch we took her a round of antiquity shops to look out for pieces &c. This took us till ¼ to 5 when we came home to tea—& directly after we took her to the station to leave by 5.30 train. Mr Musgrave & I went on thence to the Piazza to do a little shopping. After dinner went for a float.

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