0Sunday. 11th [September 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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11 September 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 11th [September 1904]. Went to morning church leaving Mr Musgrave at the picture gallery. There was a difficulty in getting any one to play the organ at our service. The usual organist was away & put a youth in his place whom, it was evident from the moment he put his fingers on the keys knew nothing about it. I went up in the organ loft to tell him what he was to do—& we gave up the chaunts. During the service I debated in my own mind & finally decided to play the hymns myself so I went up to the organ loft & took the place of the youth. I was very nervous but got thro’ it all right. In the afternoon I took Mr Musgrave to call on the Curtis to see their beautiful house—after which he went to the Lido & I came home.

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