0Tuesday. 20th [September 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 September 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 20th [September 1904]. The town recovered its usual aspect. We got no newspapers here—but received a “Times” and our letters. I was very much knocked up & remained in bed all the morning– I received in the evening—the Belmondos & Malagolas came & there was much talking over the late events—abuse of the Prefect who had allowed it all—& dismay at the serious results wh may be expected. The only man who seems to have shown any energy was the Admiral Palumbo & thanks to him & his sending out his steam boat to patrol there was one chance of help in case of need. Our Sindaco Count Grimani has sent a very strong protest to the Ministry at Rome.

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