0Wednesday. 21st [September 1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 September 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 21st [September 1904]. Things have settled down into their usual state. The inscriptions on the pavements wh were in black paint have been slightly smeared over with white milk—the manifestos washed off the walls—the pillar wh formed the angle of the Palazzo Ducale & was covered with socialist inscriptions is being scrubbed & cleaned. The tradespeople are said to be forming themselves into a civic guard. I ask every Italian I know & in all the shops, if they are going to do something to prepare to withstand such another scandal—they mostly say they are enrolling themselves but seem to be very half hearted—& I fear that all will soon be forgotten in the usual feacchizzo of the ways of Venetians.

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