0Friday. 30th September [1904]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 September 1904 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 30th September [1904]. I took out Count Seckendorff after lunch to the antiquity shops. In the morning he had gone out on his own account & I did not see him till lunch time. At 5 we were home & had people to tea, the Curtis, the Bishop of Rochester & Miss & Mrs Talbot, the Genl de Horsey, Mrs Mintern & girl (U.S.A.) a pleasant little party. The Bp is a tall thin man with one leg stiff—red hair & fine rugged countenance– In the evening much talk while alone with Seckendorff on German royal family—the tyrannical ways of the Emperor. Malagola came in the evening.

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