0Tuesday. 24th [January 1905]—Maiden Bradley House, Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 January 1905 — Maiden Bradley House, Maiden Bradley, Wiltshire
Tuesday. 24th [January 1905]. I left Maiden Bradley at about 11 in a fly & drove the 14 miles to Inwood. The severity of the weather is a little relaxed & the roads were less dangerous to travel upon. I reached Inwood about 1.30. It was a sad visit to find Merthyr’s place empty & to miss his cheery welcome– Theo recd me kindly & we went in to lunch almost at once. She is aged & has grown very stout. Aura seemed to be taking the lead & to be a great comfort to her mother. She is a girl of great character tho’ perhaps not very attractive & brought up in too narrow a circle. She took me out walking in the afternoon & proposed we should go to the Henstridge church that I might see her father’s grave. This we did & found a small bit of ground had been added to the old church yard in the midst of which was his grave not yet covered with a monument– We walked home & had tea in the study—& I had some talk with Theo about family affairs. The money Monty owed Merthyr & said what I dared to suggest an arrangement should be come to—but to no avail. After tea I sat in my bed room till dinner reading it being the fashion of this house to leave their guests much alone. I find Theo very depressed & quite brokenhearted as she & Merthyr had scarcely ever been apart & her love for him had always been of a jealous nature so that her daughter was even rather kept out of her life with him.

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