0Tuesday. 25th [April 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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25 April 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Tuesday. 25th [April 1905]. Today the Prince & Princess of S. Meiningen left me for Vienna. I accompanied them to the station for the 2.10 train. Vere Ponsonby left at the same time by the 2 p.m. train for London– Several people went to the station to see the Princes off. There was some delay in the starting of the train the Princes were going by—& they found there would be also some waiting at Mestre so I offered to accompany them thus far—& I begged Sr Malagola to do the same– We therefore jumped in to the carriages & went off. At Mestre we all got out & walked up & down the platform—the P. & Pss, Herr Roeder, the maid Lizzie & the 3 dachshunds– When the train was made up the sleeping car was added wh was provided for the Princes & they settled themselves in for the journey to Vienna where they are to arrive at 6 a.m. tomorrow. The Princess took an affectionate leave of me with a sob in her throat. I really think she is fond of me & enjoys her visit to me. I often hear her run down & blamed for her fast ways—but speaking from what I see of her, I should say she was gentle, good & well behaved. When the train had borne her off I set off with Malagola & young Walther son of the keeper of the Hotel Britannia to walk to the town of Mestre abt ¼ hour’s walk from the station. There we entered the chemist’s shop & sat & waited for the train. The chemist was a friend of Malagola’s & a bit of a poet but I saw him serve out ha’poths of medecines to peasants who came in to buy. Abt 10 minutes in the train took us to where the steamer started—& which took us in ¼ hour to the Rialto—thence we walked home.

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