0Friday. 28th [April 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 April 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 28th [April 1905]. There are several English yachts in here now & amongst them the Margarita belonging to Mr A. Drexel (US) who are acquaintances of the Duchess so she took me to call upon them that I might see the yacht. It is too gaudily got up for our English tastes– The saloons all silks, satins & gilding & to be compared with a “floating Ritz hotel.” Mrs Drexel is rather a pretty woman—if rather over dressed—& has gentle nice manners. She has a large party on board, amongst them Prince F. of Teck and they kept discreetly out of sight with true exclusive spirit. We went from here to tea with Mr & Mrs Curtis at Pal. Barbaro—another & better specimen of American society, quiet, intelligent & friendly people. In the evening I took the Oranmores & the Duchess to a party given by Princess Giovanelli in honor of Sr Tittoni the Italian Minister for F.A. who had come to Venice for a conference with the Austrian Minister (Ct Goluchowski) for F.A. The house is handsome & well lighted with Electric light. The famous picture by Giorgione one of its great attractions. The Prince is very handsome, well dressed & receives his guests very kindly. There were not a great number of people there. Baroness Reinelt was there & one of the great interests of the evening was a quarrel between her & Css Anina Morosini wh was going the rounds in loud whispers. We did not remain very late.

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