0Saturday. 27th [May 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 May 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 27th [May 1905]. I read in the morng papers that the Greek R. Yacht Amphitrite had arrived yesterday having on board the Crown P. & Pss Sophie of Greece so at 10.30 this morng I went off to call on them. I found them all in & they received me with effusion. I took them to the Piazza in my gondola & then returned on board & lunched with them. They had all their children with them. Pss Sophie was very bright & talkative. Directly after lunch at wh were all the officers & the Eng: governess I took the P. & Pss & their eldest son in my gondola to the station & saw them off by the 2 o’cl train for Berlin. From there I went to see Bss Reinelt & thence to Lady Pirbright.

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