0Friday. 23rd [June 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 June 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 23rd [June 1905]. Before I was dressed Mr Montalba called & asked to see me. He had heard that the Bishop of Gib: was passing thro’ Venice & came to beg me to send & ask Mr Harston if he was coming. It appears that when Montalba asked Harston yesterday if he was really coming H. answered him “This is very embarrassing”—as tho’ the Bishop had not wished it to be known– I sent a card to ask Harston if the Bishop was here. Mr Montalba went away & said he would return later for the answer. In a few minutes enter Harston—& said the Bishop came yesterday & left the same even. I said nothing to him about Montalba except that he & I were negociating with Miss Holland about the purchase of the Hospital property. H. had hardly gone when Montalba returned. They had met on the stair case—& all was well. It was very funny, a sort of Box & Cox—each suspicious of the other—& on the alert. I gave Montalba some coffee & he departed. After lunch I corrected my typing & wrote letters & then went out about 3.30 to call on Bss Reinelt at the H. Victoria while there a violent storm broke over us. There were tremendous puffs of wind. I waited some time for it to clear & then took to then bolted home & could not go out again. The telephone wd not work—I suppose the wind had damaged it. Played patience in eveng & early to bed. A note from Marchesa di Villamarina saying that the Queen Mother will go to see my hospital on Monday at 5 P.M.

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