0Thursday. 6th [July 1905]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 July 1905 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 6th [July 1905]. Still very hot—but a little breeze. Painted before lunch & wrote letters afterwards. Malagola came at 4.30 to tea and we were to have gone out together but were prevented by visit from Dss Canevaro, Princess Mary, Maria Cozzi & a Cozzi niece. They stayed on till 6.30 chatting when Bss Reinelt called for me in gondola. A thunderstorm threatened & there were wild clouds & rolling of thunder so we only went up & down the Grand Canal—but the storm went off & it became a good deal cooler. I came in to dinner at 7.30 & afterwards went for a row alone. It was a delicious cool evening with a nice breeze—& one felt one wd have a better night.

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