0Tuesday. 18th [July 1905]—17 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 July 1905 — 17 Cavendish Square
Tuesday. 18th [July 1905]. I breakfasted in my own room—had my hair washed for as it ought to be snow white it needs washing after the dirt & dust of a railway journey. Monty, my brother came in to see me just before luncheon—very nice & pleasant & dear. Connie came to lunch. Nellie Wyld also paid me a visit & I arranged to go to stay with her & Charlie at the Tile House for next Sunday. Granville Ponsonby is staying in this house invalided home from Jamaica where he has settled. At 3 started out with Blanche for a drive in the motor brougham—but it broke down & we had to come home at once & send it to be repaired– After 5 o’cl tea B. & I sallied forth on foot up Bond St to [illegible word] the optician where after ordering ourselves new spectacles the brougham fetched us & brought us home– It is warm weather here & pleasant. The Wylds dined with us.

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