0Friday. 21st [July 1905]—17 Cavendish Square
BaylorBrowning Guide

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21 July 1905 — 17 Cavendish Square
Friday. 21st [July 1905]. Yesterday Pss Margaret of Hesse who is staying over here for a time telephoned to ask me to go Buckingham Palace to see her this morng at 10.30. Blanche sent me in her carriage. I had not seen Pss Margaret since I was at Friedrichshof the year before the Empress died. She is much improved in looks—& is slimmer. She was very affe & cordial. Princess Sophie of Greece is also here & she & the husband also came to talk to me– Pss Sophie in raptures over London—wh she says is for more beautiful than any of the old dirty Italian towns. Pss Margaret said she is also “sous le charme” of England. The families of both Princesses are now at Seaford for sea air. I left them at 11– The Guard was just being changed at the Palace—as I looked back Pss Sofie was at the window & waved her hand to me. I went to call on Lady Poynter who looked frail & dying. I should not be surprised to hear she had gone—at any moment. From Albert Gate I walked thro’ the Park to Stanhope Gate. The Princesses were driving past & waved their hands to me. I returned to Cav. Sqr. Nela came to see me & also Verona Brooke. Kitty arrived from Peterborough for luncheon– I did not go out again. The others went out & Blanche & Edward went off before 5 to the country. Kate & I went to Pad. Station to meet Nellie & went down to Uxbridge to stay at the Tile House. We got there abt 7. Charlie joined us later for dinner. A hot night & we sat out in the verandah in the evening.

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