0Saturday. 29th [July 1905]—Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 July 1905 — Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Saturday. 29th [July 1905]. A great garden party was given today by Mr & Mrs Finch at Burley on the Hill to which the Alderson’s was moved & to which despite the cloudy morning it was where we should go. Cecil could not accompany us as he has his Cathedral services. Kate, the 2 girls & I went to the station & took a train to Oakham abt 11– We saw Lady Mary Glyn going in the same train with her daughter, to lunch at Burley. We got to Oakham in about an hour—& walked from the station to the town & entered the Crown Inn & had a cold luncheon. A quiet young man, evidently a traveller came in to luncheon at the same time. Afterwards we walked off to see the Castle where are preserved the horseshoes presented by the Peers who visit the place. The oldest shock that can be intensified are that given by Queen Elizabeth– Here is a large facsimile. I saw there the shoe given by Lord Lindsey, my grandfather, that of the present Earl & also that of my brother Wimborne. The shoes are all hung up round the walls. The building is used for County business, assizes, county councils &c & is a fine hall. We went into the Church close by which is also very fine. We then returned to the Hotel & took a fly to drive to Burley. It is a magnificent building beautifully situated on a hill—built of stone with a fine Court in front of it. We got there the first of the invited guests. Mrs Finch, daughter of Alfred Montgomery whom all society had known in London, received us hospitably & he is still very good looking—& was well dressed. She had a large house party, amongst whom were Monty Alderson & Mr Mark Cook. There were also many daughters, married & unmarried. One of them very kindly showed us over the house. The great state hall decorated in the Italian fashion with frescos by a pupil of Verrios. The tapestries in the bedrooms are fine. One set from Raphael’s cartoons—another from Teniers. There were many Italian pieces of furniture & much Venetian cut velvet—beautifully preserved. Unfortunately the rains came from time to time & prevented people from coming to the party, wh was a disappointment to the Finch’s. However it cleared abt 5 when our party had to set off for the station to return to Peterboro’. We were very tired on arriving. I had time for an hour’s rest before dinner.

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