0Sunday. 30th [July 1905]—Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 July 1905 — Peterborough Minster Precincts, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire
Sunday. 30th [July 1905]. We all went to service in the Cathedral at 11– Canon Phillips preached. Went again to Evensong at 3 & afterwards Eda & I went to see the Glyns at the Palace. We found Lady Frances Balfour staying there & also Mr Eaton Sec. of the Royal Academy. We had tea solemnly in the dining room. I sat between the Bishop & Mrs Pascoe Glyn. The Bp was very cheery & we cracked many jokes. On talking of Miss Ingram’s needle work he said “I wont let her make me a cape for I tell her I am the last of the Protestant Bishops & will not even wear a cross hanging from my neck as most of the Bishops now do.” I said that I was glad & that I thought he & I were the last Protestant subjects of H.M. the King– After tea we went to the garden & sat there talking—the whole party & then walked through the gardens. Kate & Cecil had joined us & Cecil & the Bishop amused us by telling funny stories & quoting quaint epitaphs– The Alderson family went again to an evening service & brought Dr Keaton the organist in to supper. Miss Ingram also came to it.

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