0Sunday. 6th [August 1905]—Harrogate
BaylorBrowning Guide

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6 August 1905 — Harrogate
Sunday. 6th [August 1905]. Ivor went to morning service with Nela– Cornelia & I read the Psalms & Lessons together. After tea Nela & I walked to the Queen’s Hotel to call on Granville Ponsonby who is staying there taking the baths for the benefit of his health. I took a walk with Ivor in the afternoon before tea & after going twice through Walker’s passage & back we sat on a bench on the Stray. He then began to talk about his sight & said he really thought it was improving & that he could now see fairly well. He could see every blade of grass under our feet—& also all the people who were passing. A very small child was clinging on to some railings as we passed & said “Run along little cherry cheek!” He declared that if he never saw worse than he does today, he will be satisfied. He went to evening service with Cornelia so Nela & I went for a walk wh was to end in our doing the same. We were going into a church on the Stray wh we found was a Dissenting Ch: so we ran on till we found a little wooden shed where a service (Ch: of Eng.) was going on & on the site of a new church St Marys which is about to be built. We had a sermon by a Mr Cavalier the curate very well delivered & well composed—the only fault we had to find with it was that he began by saying that there were German critics who had died to prove that “the Bible was a pious fraud.” What need to tell people of a doubt they had never dreamt of! We hurried back to the Granby & found Ivor & Cor: already at dinner.

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