0Thursday. 17th [August 1905]—Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
BaylorBrowning Guide

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17 August 1905 — Milton Court, nr. Dorking, Surrey
Thursday. 17th [August 1905]. We drove to Leith Hill after lunch, Mrs Rate, the 2 Burtons & I. It was a lovely afternoon & the view magnificent. We got out of the carriage & sat on the sweet smelling heather wh was in brilliant flower, & made our tea & drank it while we feasted also on the new—but a mist gradually came up & invaded it & it was cold on the way back. We dined at 7.30 & I left directly after & went up to town by 8.30 p.m. train & returned to Savile Row. This visit to the place where I spent my honeymoon brings back many memories & saddens me much. It is curious to think that Mr Rate has had a stroke & partially recovered—& should have survived his school friend eleven years! It is sometimes hard to understand.

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