0Friday. 10th November [1905]—Bombay
BaylorBrowning Guide

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10 November 1905 — Bombay
Friday. 10th November [1905]. I got up & dressed quickly—having no possibility of taking the salt water bath we have had on board. I cannot say I missed it as I much dislike the sticky feeling it leaves one afterwards. We did not get to Bombay till 7 A.M. so that I was lucky eno’ to be able to see the entrance. On first going on deck one saw only hazily the low coast. There was a mist wh hid the harbour till one got nearer– The sun was still low & the effect was fairy like. One first discovered the big ships of war—the Renown wh brought the P. & Pss of Wales here yesterday and the “Terrible” their escort– There were also 4 or 5 other war ships in the harbour. The “Egypt” anchored a long way from the shore—& the steam launches came at once to take off the passengers. Those who were going off by special trains were first sent off & by degrees we were all put ashore. As soon as we had anchored Mrs Dangerfield’s brother came on board with the news that her husband was dead– They landed in the same tug as we did & it was piteous to see the face of the poor little woman. It was set like stone. She did not shed a tear. Later in the day when Judge Harrington saw us he said he had found her sitting on her boxes in the railway station—quite dazed saying she did not know how to get away to Calcutta, but that it did not matter as there was nothing to go for—her brother had had to leave her to go to his work. The Judge got her into the train & sent her off. We landed at the Apollo bunder where we passed thro’ the custom house with our hand bags. A “bearer” sent by Henry Guest met Corise—& said the one Henry had wished to send us was not available so an old Gentleman recommended by Henry’s Bearer was found for me & we drove off in 2 victorias to the Taj Mahal hotel—a gigantic new Palace Hotel recently built. We found very nice rooms on 3rd floor to wh we went by a lift—ready for us. We had bow windows overlooking the bay & only a broad road between the hotel & the sea. The rooms were well furnished with “maple” furniture & large cane sofa & easy chairs. The beds had mosquito curtains—& the rooms were well ventilated. As soon as we had settled in we went down to the large dining room & had breakfast & sat on the verandah afterwards watching some conjurors in the road. The usual basket trick out of which a small boy suddenly appeared &c. The men with white turbans & bare legs—the boys almost naked, the women with coloured sarees over their heads—all looking strange & new & as of out of the Arabian nights. It was very hot & I was tired & very glad of a rest while Corise & Nela went out. When they returned Nela & I went to the Yacht Club by invitation of Mr Layard Dunlop a nephew of Miss Barbara Layard of Ceylon. The lawn of the club was covered with smartly dressed women, & by the sea wall were rows of tea tables. At one of these the waiter introduced us to Miss Dunlop a nice young woman & her brother soon joined us. A band played & the scene was most gay. The sun set over the harbour was very beautiful & at that moment one was glad to put on a wrap. Mr Dunlop accompanied us back to the hotel. We dined at 8 Corise, Nela & I & had a table with Mr Cox & Mr Rudstone Read & Mr Weguelin. After dinner I found Mr Percival Landon who had been staying at Govt Hse and gave us much information as to the P. & Pss of Wales movements. We all gladly went early to bed. It was a magnificent moonlit night—& all the ships in the harbour looked splendid.

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