0Monday. 4th [December 1905]—Lahore
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 December 1905 — Lahore
Monday. 4th [December 1905]. Went to the station at 1 oclock & I & Baker got into the train & went to Jullundur. I travelled with a Miss Dr Staley who is at the head of the Lahore Zenana Hospital. She told me she was the daughter of a missionary at Honolulu & born out there. She urged me to go home by the Sandwich Isles from Japan. Henry Alderson met me at Jullundur Cantts Station & took me to his bungalow where his wife Lena greeted me & I found most comfortable quarters. A quarter of hour after I left Lahore, Nela left with Pamela Bruce for Rawal Pindi to join Corise in Plashmann’s camp & see the great review for the Wales who are staying in Kitchener’s Camp. Henry Guest who is there on duty is to look after his sister & cousin.

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