0Saturday. 16th [December 1905]—Udaipur
BaylorBrowning Guide

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16 December 1905 — Udaipur
Saturday. 16th [December 1905]. at 11.30. I had sent my letter of introduction to Col. Pinkey the Resident here & had recd a telegram from him saying I was to go to the Hotel & that a carriage was ordered to meet me at the station. On getting there we saw a landeau & asked whether it was the one—but were told it was not for us so we went to the hotel in a tum tum—& found very decent rooms—but no letter or sign from the Resident– However a Baboo from the chief railway official Mr Heinmann appeared as Sir Swinton had written to the latter about us. He promised to get us a carriage to drive in in the afternoon– At 4 one of the Maharajah’s carriage came & we had a lovely drive round the edge of one of the big lakes & saw the town from the distance. We had a lovely view of the distant fort from the hotel wh stands high.

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