0Wednesday. 3rd [January 1906]—Delhi
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 January 1906 — Delhi
Wednesday. 3rd [January 1906]. We got up before 5 in order to leave by the 6.30 train for Agra– It was a very cold & dark when we started but that mail train is the only quick one in the day so we had to go by it. We reached Agra at 11 & went to the Hotel Metropole wh Sir H. Jerningham had recommended us & where we found him & his nephew installed. It was a better hotel than Lauries where we stayed last time we were at Agra—& is an old fashioned place, where there is a printed notice begging “visitors not to illtreat the native servants”! We drove off to the Taj in the afternoon. It has a great fascination for me—& I wanted to see it by full sunlight– The gardens are now beautifully kept up & there was a fine mass of coppery red bougainvillia in one bed. Nela found a Miss Hogg she knew at our hotel. We were tired in the evening after our early journey of this morning & retired early to sleep.

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