0Tuesday. 2nd [January 1906]—Delhi
BaylorBrowning Guide

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2 January 1906 — Delhi
Tuesday. 2nd [January 1906]. We bestirred ourselves betimes, got the guide & started off to drive to the Kutub Minar which took us more than an hour– It is beyond where we were when we went to Humayun’s tomb—in the same direction all among the tombs & ruins. It was a lovely day & not over warm. The Kutub Minar is a wonderful sight. It stands firm & stately in the precincts of the old Mosque—a kind of giant—& most beautiful in proportion. Nela went up to top of it. I never care for a birds eye view nor to go up many steps so I remained below. I was also especially enchanted with a magnificent Saracenic archway which the Mohammedans had made on the top of a Hindu square doorway. The decorations are delightful so poetical & elegant. A fine old native soldier a pensioner did the honors of the place to us. He said he had fought under Roberts & that he was a burra burra man. A little kind of white marble kiosque which used to crown the great Minar was knocked off by lightening & has been erected in the grounds below the Minar. It was evidently a much more recent addition to the Minar. We observed the iron pillar & walked about the Hindu cloisters & then went to the Dak bungalow & eat the luncheon we had brought from Delhi with us. On the return drive we visited the tomb of Loftar Khan—where there is much elaborate decoration & a large garden—not much kept up. We got back to Hotel Cecil about 3.30. Nela went out again but I wrote & rested & prepared for an early start for Agra tomorrow morning.

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