0Sunday. 7th [January 1906]—Gwalior
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 January 1906 — Gwalior
Sunday. 7th [January 1906]. Sir Clement being a strict R.C. did not come to us in the morning but attended to his devotions coming to us after lunch. His uncle came to pay me a visit, Sir Michael Filose, who said he had known Henry when he passed thro’ Gwalior during the Mutiny. That it was a moment of great danger for any European to be travelling & that another Englishman had been murdered who was attempting the same journey. Sir Michael spoke of him as Dr Layard and as the great archaeologist. Sir M. was a man over 70 with a reverend long white beard & a slow quiet manner. The family has been settled at Gwalior for over 100 years & the original settler was an architect & is responsible for the Maharaja’s palace which is of Italian architecture– When his uncle was gone Sir Clement took us out for a drive but brought us home before 5 that he might go off to his evening service. After tea Nela & I took s stroll in the gardens. We went to dine with Mr Cobb. The d’Hermières became more & more friendly especially after we discovered that the Vicomte’s cousin had married Mr de Franquevilles son & that he knew Sophy (Palmer) & admired & praised her.

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