0Saturday. 13th [January 1906]—Lucknow
BaylorBrowning Guide

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13 January 1906 — Lucknow
Saturday. 13th [January 1906]. We got up early & left the bungalow to go by the 8 oclock train to Allahabad which we reached at 4.30 some time after the time appointed on account of the rush of pilgrims going to the Mela or sacred fair. Mr Sarabji the Parsee, brother of Miss Amelia Sarabji whom I had first known at Lord Aberdares in Wales met us at the station & conveyed us to Laurie’s Hotel in his brougham. We were very hungry & got some food & then at 5 Mr Sarabji called for us & drove us to his house where he had invited several people to tea to meet us—Col. Jacob, Lady Stanley (wife of the Chief Justice), Mrs Wallach, Lady Knox, Lady                & others. Hearing that we were staying at Laurie’s Hotel wh is known to be the worst in India Lady Stanley, who had never heard of us before insisted that we should not remain there & begged us to move from there tomorrow to her house. The hospitality of people in India is truly unbounded. We gladly promised to do so—& as it was after Mr Sarabji & party returned sadly to a wretched dinner & slept the night in the dirty waste of our rooms with the draughts blowing down on our heads from every corner.

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