0Thursday. 22nd [February 1906]—Colombo
BaylorBrowning Guide

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22 February 1906 — Colombo
Thursday. 22nd [February 1906]. I went off to visit Baker who is much better & was up in a chair. Happily it appears that she has not got enteric & will be able to leave on 8th with me. The answer from Francie came to say “delighted to see Nela”—so that it is decided that she shall go & we went to Cook’s to reserve her cabin for 19th. On returning from the hospital I met Nela at a shop where we bought deck chairs &c & go back to Hotel just before lunch. Afternoon drove out see the Museum which though small is interesting. We dined at Queen’s House with Sir Henry & Lady Blake—a large party—The Pss Louise Augusta & suite besides many Colombo people—amongst them a Mrs Hathorn née Layard a pleasant woman. Capt. Campbell of the “Terrible” took me to dinner & was very pleasant– Sat on left of Sir Henry Blake. There was some amateur singing & playing—the former rather good. It was not a very lively party. A handsome house—well adapted for a hot country.

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