0Friday. 23rd [March 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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23 March 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 23rd [March 1906]. No luggage yet arrived– Still bitterly cold. Hugged the fire all morng. After lunch visit from Mrs Hulton & then I went to see Angela Reinelt who was very demonstrative. She gave me 1000 lire for “les panores” wh I shall give for the hospital & the Sailor’s Inst: Rained most of the day– Came home from the Reinelt & did not move again. On board the Osiris saw a newspaper who informed me of the death of old Lady Bessborough which makes Blanche now Lady Bessborough– It is another link with the past broken. When I look back to the time when old Lord B. was our Canford clergyman (25 years) as Mr Ponsonby. He was a very busy man—& always kind to me.

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