0Wednesday. 4th [April 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 April 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Wednesday. 4th [April 1906]. Went to the Lent service—there were several women there. Coming out met Carrie Eden & also Cav. Arbib & we took Canon Ragg into the V. Murano shop next the church to see if there was any old furniture on sale wh would suit our church– Saw a stool wh might suit for the reading of the Litany. Got back abt 12 & found Sister Barradaile waiting to see me about Hospital accounts. After lunch I went to the Hospital to meet Dr Tommasini & talk over arranging an operating theatre as Dr Giordani has sent to say he may soon send us patients there.

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