0Saturday. 14th [April 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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14 April 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 14th [April 1906]. Better but got up late. At 11 visit from Mr Arbib & his brother Enrico just come from England. After that from Mr & Mrs Curtis just returned from Rome—kindly pleased to see me & anxious to hear all about my journey in India. Mrs Ragg came in to ask to borrow plants for Ch: decoration. I promised to send Giuseppe with some after lunch. After lunch I had a visit from Baroness Gagern Princess Stephanie of Austria’s lady in waiting. She evidently had come to see if I would invite the Princess to my house & when I said “What can I do for Her R. Highness” she said “Will you have her to lunch.” As she is only staying in Venice till Tuesday & has an engagement on Monday we settled that she should come to lunch tomorrow Sunday & so it is to be– There is great excitement in Italy over the terrific erruption of Mt Vesuvius wh has been devastating the country all the week past & shows how the destruction of Pompei came about. The “lapilli” wh are falling in quantities have caused the fall of the roof of the market at Venice killing several people. Today it seems to be ceasing. Css Brandolin who came to see me says that her son has just come from Naples & says the place in the darkness is horrible & that people are wildly rushing praying & forming processions—but do nothing useful.

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