0Sunday. 15th April [1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 April 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Sunday. 15th April [1906]. Easter Sunday. Went to morning service– The church was crowded. Venice is very full of travellers many are said to have fled from Naples where Vesuvius still continues to be active & the atmosphere is heavy & difficult to breathe. Princess Stefanie, Count Lonyay & Baroness Gagern came to lunch with me at one. The Princess in very good humour looking very well. She said she had been some time in England in London & Cromer where she had hired houses—but that owing to the bad conduct of her English servants who she had to dismiss summarily she had had to give up housekeeping. She said she had just bought a chateau in Hungary & is now arranging it to live in & invited me to go & pay her a visit there later on. They both smoked cigarettes after lunch in the Belvedere & then went off. She is a tall good looking woman—fair complexion & light hair—the golden tint of wh appears to be artificial. I went to pay Baroness Reinelt a visit at Vic: Hotel & then went over to the hospital. The matron there is in a highly nervous state– I settled to send the gondola for her at 7 a.m. tomorrow to convey her to the station for her journey to London. I went to the service at the Sailor’s institute at 8 o’clock. The new manager Fussey began his duties today.

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