0Friday. 29th [June 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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29 June 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 29th [June 1906]. Mr Montalba kindly came again to help me with my balance sheet wh alas! still refuses to be balanced & he carried it off to study at home– I was so engrossed with it that 1 o’cl came & I forgot I had promised to lunch with Angela—on being reminded by Baker I rushed off to the Hotel full of apologies. During the last days Sr Arbib had got an architect Sr                to take into consideration a plan for adding to the Cosmopolitan Hosp: When said plan arrived it was lovely but where are we to find the 30000 lire required to carry it out? I went over to the Hospital & talked it over with Sister Chaffey & then with Mr Eden who treated it as the wildest scheme he ever heard of. This made me sad & downcast & I retired home to dinner in confusion of heart. In the evening I went out again in gondola & called for Carry Eden who accompanied me. It was a very hot night.

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