0Saturday. 30th [June 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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30 June 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Saturday. 30th [June 1906]. It continued to be hot & great storm clouds came up & looked threatening. Abt 2 o’cl a storm began & there was much thunder & some rain. After this the sun came out & we opened our shutters & windows. We had hardly done so when the storm returned with redoubled force & immense hailstones came rattling down—causing devastation among the plants. I have 2 precious young seedlings in pots outside the window grown from seeds I picked up in Burneal. These I watched with anxiety & saw their leaves much knocked about & broken. Afterwards I tried to bandage up the broken stem of one of them & think I have succeeded. Countess Czernin née Beckett came to dine with me. She is a pretty young woman the wife of an Austrian secy to the Vatican & is here for a change of air with her children. Malagola joined us in the evening & she talked Italian fluently. She happened to mention that her baby is ill & that Dr Kepler is attending it & we persuaded her to get rid of him as not being a good Dr & Malagola at once went to my telephone & arranged that Dr Vitali should see the child tomorrow.

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