0Thursday. 19th [July 1906]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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19 July 1906 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 19th [July 1906]. Very hot, sat in darkened rooms with closed windows—but a storm towards evening cleared the air. Worked at the little angel. Went out at 4.30 over to the hospital & to consult Mr Eden in his garden about sending a letter round to the shipowners who trade with Venice to appeal for funds for the new ward of the hospital. Went to dine at La Calcina with the Misses Phillpotts. As the storm was not quite over we had to dine in the salon but sat out on the pontone for coffee. Mr Montalba joined us. He is leaving for Feltre tomorrow. Saw the American consul there Mr Nash & his family who were dining there–

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