0Saturday. 15th [December 1906]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 December 1906 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 15th [December 1906]. I left Savile Row with Baker at 8 & joined the Bessboroughs at Paddington to accompany them to Ireland. We went by the new Fishguard route & arrived at Bessborough in time for 8 oclock dinner. Bertie joined us at Waterford returning from hunting. This new line getting one to Piddown from Paddington in less than 12 hours is a wonderfully commodious thing. The steamers (turbines) from Fishguard to Rosslare are good clean & quick. A restaurant car provided us with luncheon & 5 o’cl tea & every comfort. I slept in the “Canford room” in which is the old oak bed given to Blanche by Ivor. It was bought by our old servant Luff out of the house of Marwood Yeatman in Dorsetshire as the present owner the Bishop of Southwark once told me– He said he had asked Ivor to let him buy it back as it had been so many years in this family but Ivor had already given it to Blanche. It is very cold & there are patches of snow on the distant hills.

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