0Friday. 18th January [1907]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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18 January 1907 — 3 Savile Row
Friday. 18th January [1907]. Miss Sargent came to lunch & the Wylds were there. Miss S. as usual very nervous & breathless. A very nice little woman– Afterwards Nell & I took a walk. Went to Fort. & Mason to pay Charlie a visit—found with him 2 friends Amory son of Lady A. whom I had known as Mary Unwin when we all lived at Roehampton & she was a great friend of my elder sisters. Now we hardly ever meet & one did not realize she has married sons. We walked on to Berkeley Sqr to call on Lady Borwick– Found her there returned to town rather in a fluster. She was very funny about her family—praised her daughter & gloated over the promotions of her son in law. She said that Sir Robert was going to give the eldest daughter a diamond tiara as now she was going to be a “grande dame”! On my asking after Sir Robert, she said—“Oh, I don’t know, I don’t like the looks of him, he seems so shrunken & wizen. He is growing too small for his clothes. A Dr nephew of mine who has seen & observed him thinks very badly of him & is sure he must have a serious internal desease.” I don’t think she really thinks this is true as she said it so unconcernedly. All the married daughters coming in we thought it prudent to go & so we came home. Lady Margaret Smith came to tea– Nellie went home. Charlie remained & we dined at 7 & went to Hick’s theatre. Saw a stupid piece called the Beauty of Bath.

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