0Thursday. 4th July [1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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4 July 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Thursday. 4th July [1907]. Had the model again & worked at my little statuette in the morning. I sent for Dr Sacchi to consult him about my rheumatic wrists & he advised I should go to take hot salt water baths at the Lido which I will do. At 4 had a visit from Duchess Sforza one of Q. Mar:’s ladies. She sat some time chatting & looked round at the pictures. She very civilly asked me to go & lunch with her at Gensano whenever I went to Rome. At 6.30 Angela R. called for me & we went to the Public gardens as usual—landed & had a “grenadina” at the café & back home. After dinner I went out for a row to the hospital where I called in a moment to see Miss Chaffey & then by the outside Canal. The public buildings were illuminated in honor of Garibaldi it being the centenary of his birth & there are gay doings all over Italy.

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