0Friday. 5th [July 1907]—Ca’ Capello, Venice
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 July 1907 — Ca’ Capello, Venice
Friday. 5th [July 1907]. I got up early & started for Lido at 8 a.m., took my hot sea bath & came back by 10.30. It is a pleasant trip in the gondola before the heat of the day—on my return I lay down & rested till lunch time. Had a visit from Aspasie Kwekwitsch at tea time—she is full of a “baruffa” which took place between the Brandolin & Morosini ladies about a seat the latter was not to take at the Frari entertainment on Wednesday. I also find that the ladies are furious with the Malagola for having asked that the Queen should go to refreshments in the Frari garden & are jealous– This small town quarreling becomes very wearisome. In the evening I went to the Calcina where the weekly party was very small, only Mr Woods, Iduna & Miss Chaffey. I was glad to come home seeing it is a sad & weary day for me, & tho’ one ought not to keep anniversaries still one cannot forget that it is one. Out with Angela.

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