0Thursday. 5th [September 1907]—Abano
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 September 1907 — Abano
Thursday. 5th [September 1907]. Today my English friend & her husband invited me to go for a drive with them & they took me to see the old Monastery of Praglia a short way from here. It is a fine building but in a bad state & has suffered from earthquake. It is, however being gradually restored. There are frescos in many parts of the building ruthlessly whitened over but wh are being gradually uncovered. The refrectory is a magnificent room now undergoing repair. There are 15 monks in the Convent who keep a school for young men. A nice looking youth took us round the place. There is a fine chimney piece in a room of recreation & here & there are frescoes scuola of Mantegna—& one “crucifixion” attributed to him.

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