0Thursday. 7th [November 1907]—Rome
BaylorBrowning Guide

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7 November 1907 — Rome
Thursday. 7th [November 1907]. Kitty came to see me in the morning as did also Sr S. Arbib who has come from Venice on business. He brought me a letter from Marzollo of V. Murano Co asking me to sign a bill for £200 which I did. At tea time Ersilia Canevaro came to see me– There were several others amongst them Mme Tittoni the wife of the Minister for F.A. & Marchesa Guiccioli (the English one) & others. The Canevaro are here for the Nasi trial. The Ex Minister who is now being tried by his compeers the Senators of the kingdom for peculation. He is Sicilian & it is a great scandal & disgrace. The Egertons dined out this evening & so I dined in my own room & went early to bed.

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