0Tuesday. 3rd [December 1907]—Montacute House, Montacute, Somerset
BaylorBrowning Guide

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3 December 1907 — Montacute House, Montacute, Somerset
Tuesday. 3rd [December 1907]. The wedding day. Mr Philips took me in a motor over to Brimpton to see Sir Spencer Ponsonby Fane grandfather of the bride. Sir Spencer showed me some of his interesting collections such as buckles of wh he has a lot—pictures—fans—china &c. Amongst other things he showed me the hour glass wh had stood in the Ducal Palace in the room of the Council of Ten wh had been given to Lady Westmorland & identified by Mr E. Chaney– We had to hurry over the visit & get back to an early lunch before the marriage wh was at 2 o’cl. We drove to the church wh was very near the house. The Church was full & the bride & her father arrived soon after us. Evely Eliot played the organ & began with a hymn sung by the choir. All went well—the church was crowded & prettily decorated with flowers. After the service Mr Philips took me to see the remains of the Abbey convent close by wh had belonged to some French monks who were dispossessed by Henry VIII & their lands given to the Philips family. We returned to Montacute & tea &c was served in the hall many neighbours having come in to it. The happy pair started abt 5 for London & the next day left for Venice where they are to stay at Ca’ Capello wh I have lent them. We had a quiet evening & went early to bed. Old Sir Spencer Ponsonby proposed the health of the Happy Pair before they departed. He is over 80 but yet hale & hearty.

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