0Saturday. 28th [December 1907]—Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire
BaylorBrowning Guide

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28 December 1907 — Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire
Saturday. 28th [December 1907]. I found a large party staying in the house– Lady Selkirk, Mr & Mrs Hope Johnston, Sir Edmund & Miss Durand, & others. It was very cold weather. The house stands well in a fine part but the atmosphere is foggy & thick from the smoke of 2 manufacturing towns each at the distance of 12 miles. The smoke is such as destroys the old oaks in the park. Lord Egerton showed me his armoury—an interesting collection chiefly of oriental arms– He has also some nice pictures & a good deal of taste– The architecture of the house is 18th century with pillars & archetrane in the centre—not really pretty tho’ imposing.

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