0Monday. 20th [January 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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20 January 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 20th [January 1908]. All the plate was brought up to the dining room to be gone through & inspected by me– At 10.30 I went off with Baker to Welbeck St & had my 8th bath. Elaine came to see me on my return & recounted all the wonders of her trip to Australia & round by Japan & America. Aline Lambton came before she left & stayed on to luncheon. At 3 we started together on a walk & at Berkeley Sqr she went home & I walked on enquired at Mrs Rates’ who was out—then I walked on through Hyde Park past the Marble Arch to Hyde Park Place to call on Mrs Dacre Du Cane whom I found at home in a pleasant flat overlooking the Park. I sat with her a while talking French all the time. She has a pleasant face & is not ill looking. I walked back via Oxford Street doing a little shopping en route. I found my walking powers rather improved & I got on quickly & well. Going down Grosvenor Street I came on Lady Vivian & her youngest girl grown up & out since I saw her & her mother apparently recovered from her illness. I got home at 5 o’cl. Nora Hallé came to tea also George Gordon the sculptor—& Mrs Burton Muller who goes off tomorrow to Cannes to stay with Pss Charlotte Meiningen. Dined alone.

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