0Wednesday. 5th [February 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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5 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 5th [February 1908]. I went to Mr Stear’s electric treatment at 10 & came straight home & to bed till lunch. Connie & Blanche lunched here. The latter went home soon after & the former remained on some time. Sir Arthur Fanshawe came to call a charming man– After he left Connie went off & I walked to call on Mrs Rate; she was out of town– I walked back by Bruton St & called on Dss Adeline Bedford who was also out—so I came on home– Charlie’s mother Mrs Bewes came to tea. Is staying with her mother Mrs Muller who is 87 & has had an attack of shingles & is getting over it & is so independent she will not have anyone to nurse her & locks her self up alone in her room at nights. The Wylds went to the play & I went to dine with Mrs Whitaker 26 Curzon St—met there a Mrs Close who has farms in Canada where she sends children from London workhouse. They go away almost idiots & very sickly & soon develope into strong healthy children. She has them taught domestic & other work & places them out either in Canada or in England to gain their livelihoods. There was a party of 10 or 12 but I only made out the names of a Hanbury Tracy couple. A Miss Balls with a stupendous contralto voice sang in the evening. She is to sing next year in the Opera.

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