0Saturday. 15th [February 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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15 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Saturday. 15th [February 1908]. Packed arranged things for my journey to Canford. The Wylds all 3 left at 11 to return to the Tile House. The Dss of Somerset came to see me & we arranged to have the Sale for her invalid Kitchen & the Venice Hospital on 10th & 11th March. Connie also came & sat with me while I had lunch & then I went off to Waterloo Station & left for Wimborne at 2.15 where I arrived at 5—met by the motor car & got to Canford in 4 minutes. Ivor was walking about the hall while Miss Green the Ex-Governess played the piano. He looked to me bent—but looked well in the face. He kissed me & bent to let me kiss him. Cornelia said he was not quite so well.

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