0Monday. 24th [February 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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24 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Monday. 24th [February 1908]. Blanche & her daughter Onie came in to see me in the morning & I arranged to dine in Cav. Sqr this evening. I lunched alone & went out in the electric brougham I have hired. Left a few cards & then went to see Connie & brought her home with me calling also at Entrennes the shop in Walton Street for Nora Hallé & she also came to tea. Connie remained on after she had left & poured out her sorrows to me– How low she is since her son Eddie has left & married. It makes one sad to hear how depressed she is & how little joy she & her 2 daughters have in each other. The girls disappointed at not being married & leading rather useless lives & the mother not caring for the home life. Poor Connie worries herself over nothings & cannot settle down happily. I did what I could to cheer her but one cannot alter people’s characters & I fear it will go on so till the end. I went to dine at Cav. Sqr only the Bessboro’s, Gweneth & Bertie. Home early. Wet night.

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