0Wednesday. 26th [February 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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26 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Wednesday. 26th [February 1908]. Nora Hallé left this house at 10.30 taking her brother home with her. I got up late not feeling very well. Walked to Cavendish Square to lunch with Blanche—but was very lame. Weather cold & rainy. At Cav. Square met Lady Limerick, Dr Collisson, Mr Stuart Reid (the writer), Monty Eliot & Duncannon. Lady Limerick played the piano to us after lunch very beautifully. She is very good looking & is the daughter of an Irish Constabulary Officer—separated from her husband who is said to drink. She is quite the Irish type. Black hair & eyes & good complexion. Dr Collisson sang his Irish songs delighting us all. Gweneth deposited me at home in the motor at 3.30 & I retired to my room & slept till dinner time & then was better & went downstairs. Charlie dined out so Nellie & I spent the evening together.

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