0Thursday. 27th [February 1908]—3 Savile Row
BaylorBrowning Guide

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27 February 1908 — 3 Savile Row
Thursday. 27th [February 1908]. I went at 10 a.m. to Stear to have the treatment to my knee & went to bed on my return home till lunch. Little Aline Lambton came at 12 & sat with me & I promised to try & arrange an escort for her to come out to Venice in April. Blanche also looked in for a few mins: Nellie & I lunched together & then spent the afternoon in making lists of & arranging the pictures & jewelry I have by me wh will be sent to 35 Gros: Sqr for the Sale arranged for the Venice Hospital. Miss Mundella came to tea at 5 very pleasant and talkative & amusing. I dined at Mr & Mrs Longmans (Publisher). Met Sir G. & Lady Trevelyan, Mr & Mrs Louis Mallet, Mr A. Eliot & wife (now Editor of Quarterly) & Mr                editor of the Edinburgh Reviews. Mr A. Eliot took me to dinner & I sat next Mr Longman who is always lively. I have been terribly rheumatic today in spite of all the treatment! It is very discouraging.

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